Research & Projects within our clinic
High Blood Pressure Low Renin
Participants are needed for a trial at Monash Health to learn about the optimal treatment for high blood pressure (>140/90mmHg) with low renin (a hormone measured by a simple blood test).
Up to 1 in 4 people may have this condition.
Scan the QR code for more information (or click here)and contact us to make a booking with your family doctor to see if you are eligible.
Bowel cancer screening
Bowel Cancer Screening 2017 - Current
An in-house project that all doctors in the clinic are involved in. Aim of this study is to raise the participation rate for patients to be screened for Colorectal cancer.
- Anybody between the age of 50 & 74?
- We want you to have a FREE Bowel Cancer Screening.
- Did you know 1 in 12 people will develop Bowel Cancer in their lifetime
- Bowel cancer is still Australia's 2nd biggest killer after Lung cancer
- Bowel cancer increases with age after the age of 50
- Good news is When caught early 90% of those diagnosed with bowel cancer will beat it
Please call us today on 9796 1500 or Book Online
Previous research projects
Previous research & projects
tuberculosis screening, management and prevention in general practice 2021-2023
SEMPHN, in partnership with the Victorian Tuberculosis Program (VTP), would like your continued participation now we are entering Phase 2.
Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI) is an asymptomatic condition that may progress to active tuberculosis (TB), sometimes decades after exposure. In Victoria, it is known that approximately 90% of tuberculosis cases occur in those born overseas, and from reactivation of latent tuberculosis infection more than 3-5 years after arrival. Treatment of LTBI can reduce the risk of developing active disease. However, with the exception of contact tracing following local exposure to tuberculosis, only limited systematic testing or treatment programs for latent tuberculosis infection operate in Victoria at present
Medicine insight 2018 - 2023
Medicine Insight is a national Health Information program run by NPS Medicine Wise and funded by the Australian Government Department of Health.
Medicine Insight collects information from your medical record about your medical history, health care and lifestyle. Information that identifies you such as your name, date of birth and address is not collected. Important steps are taken to ensure that patient's privacy and security are protected.
Patient's information is used to improve the quality of health care that is provided to them, for health research and to inform health policy.
Click here to read the full patient information sheet or call 1300 721 726 for more information
To opt out, please speak to reception.
StaREE 2017 - 2022
Statins in reducing events in the elderly through Monash & other Uni's. There is some evidence that Statins may reduce decline in physical and mental function as well as reducing the incidence of heart disease, stroke and dementia. Therefore, Statin treatment may help to prolong healthy, independent living.
Eligibility: Anybody over 75 Years +
Dr Tony Atkins is the only doctor involved in this study, therefor your appointment needs to be booked in with them.
Harmony Study 2020 - 2022
A study conducted by Latrobe University. Please speak to your GP at Berwick Healthcare if you would like to find out more about this study.
This Study is run by Jun (Endocrinologist at Monash Health). Primary Aldosteronism is a potentially curable cause of hypertension. This study will find out exactly how common Primary Aldosteronism is in our community; Identify patients with Primary Aldosteronism as early as possible to optimise their health and reshape future hypertension management guidelines.
All doctors at this clinic are involved in this study.
3 x BP above 140 / 90 no medication
needs htn screen including uec, aldosteron, renin, aldorenin ratio (needs to be done 2 hrs post getting out of bed - approx 8-10am)
Consent form to be filled out
This trial may include prizes.
Speak to your doctor for more information
consumers view on Tele-Health 2020 - 2021
Study run by Melbourne University and SEMPHN. More information to come.
This Diabetes Prevention study was created by Monash Health and Monash University. The study investigated the effect of Carnosine, an anti-aging over the counter food supplement on type 2 diabetes, cognitive function and cardiovascular disease prevention.
All doctors at this clinic were involved in study.
Please download eligibility form here
For more information please contact 8572 2629 or e-mail med-carnosineir@monash.edu
Type 2 diabetes Group Program 2018 - 2019
This program is designed to assist people living with Type 2 Diabetes.
The program covers the below topics through 1 x Individual assessment with a Dietitian and 8 x small group education support sessions.
- Weight Loss
- Exercise
- Meal Planning
- BGL monitoring
- Medication
- Foot Care
- Supermarket Tour
Cost: Partial Medicare - Funded
Gap Fee: $10 Individual assessment and $8 per group session.
To register your interest contact Konsita Kuswara on 0430 801 344
Carnosine trial (Insulin Sensitivity) 2018 - 2019
This second trial focuses on Carnosine and if it leads to improvements in insulin sensitivity (and therefore Diabetes), Cognitive Functioning and Cardiovascular Disease progression.
Participants must be overweight (BMI >25) but otherwise healthy.
This trial is almost identical to the Carnosine (Diabetes Prevention Trial) in terms of tests performed however there is some additional procedures and time commitment (3-4 baseline visits, 3-4 follow up visits total). Both studies are carried out at the Monash Medical Centre in Clayton.
This trial may include prizes.
For more information please contact 8572 2629 or e-mail med-carnosineir@monash.edu
IMPACT 2017 - 2018
Impact was a program created by Monash University & Monash Health. This study was aimed at patients attending local government health services who don't have a source of quality GP care.
All doctor's at this clinic were involved in the program.
There were NO Eligibility requirements, this study accepted patients of all ages.
RESET STUDY jan 2017 - dec 2017
Last year (2017) Dr Tony Atkins was involved in the RESET study. The study focused on patients with Hypertension (High Blood Pressure). In the below video clip, Dr Atkins explains in detail what the RESET study was about and the role he played alongside his patients.
Currently we are not involved in the study but the above studies are still available be part of if you meet the criteria.