Breast Cancer
We are celebrating Women's Health Month holistically, but did you know it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month?
Breast Cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women aged 20 - 39 and so we encourage you to do self checks!
More info can be found on;
Book online here to see your GP if you have any personal concerns.
Womens health month
Your Women's Health appointment will be bulk billed for the month of October. The following will be discussed if applicable to you.
Weight Management
- Blood Pressure
- Breast Check Education
- Bone Health (Vit D)
- Cervical Screening
- Pathology
Call us on 03 9796 1500 to make an extended appointment.
Silicosis awareness
Did you know that approximately 600,000 Australians are exposed to Silica Dust?
Could you be one of them?
Take the Healthy Lungs at Work test here
Dementia Awareness

Bowel Cancer awareness month
This month we are bringing awareness to Bowel Cancer Screening. There are a range of free resources available online on the Bowel Cancer Australia website to read more in depth.
Dr Stephen Moody on leave
Dr Stephen Moody will be going on leave for 6 months to work as a volunteer GP in Bhutan hospital. His last day will be on Friday 17th May, 2024 and will be returning in December, 2024.
While he is away we have 10 other GP's who are available to look after your health at Berwick Healthcare.
Read about them HERE
Celebrating Heart Month at Berwick Healthcare
*Health alert* Poisonous mushrooms growing in Victoria
Poisonous mushrooms including death cap mushrooms and yellow-staining mushrooms occur in Victoria during autumn as the weather becomes wetter and cooler.
People should urgently attend an emergency department if they believe they've eaten a poisonous mushroom. They should also take any remaining mushrooms with them for identification.
In most cases, the sooner treatment can begin, the better the outcome. Do not wait for symptoms to occur before seeking medical attention.
Contact the Victorian Poisons Information Centre immediately on 13 11 26 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week, Australia-wide).
Keep and photograph a sample of the mushroom that was consumed to share with the Victorian Poisons Information Centre for expert identification of the mushroom.
Read the full health alert here
Monash Health has moved
After 10 years at Berwick Healthcare, Monash Outpatients department has moved to level 1, Casey Superclinic. Their new address is 50/52 Kangan Drive, Berwick VIC 3806. The new contact number is 1300 342 273.
This includes all Monash Health services including Monash Respiratory and APM. Monash Pathology will continue to operate from Berwick Healthcare.
Bone bus
The Bone Bus will be coming to Berwick Healthcare from March 12 - 15 to conduct Bone Density Scans.
Eligible patients will receive a letter from us inviting them to book an appointment to have a scan performed. Patients are required to have a referral from the GP this can be done face to face or via a telephone consult.
Appointments can be booked online. Select 'Bone Density' and enter clinic code BERWI2
Alternative call 1800 10 11 63 This is a free call service.
Flu Vaccines
Our 2024 Flu Vaccinations will arrive in April
We will have Government Funded Vaccines *depending on eligibility and Private ones for $20.00
Call us on 9796 1500 to book an appointment or book online
Bi Polar Support group 2024
Berwick Healthcare hosts Bipolar Life, a Bipolar Support Group that meets on the first Wednesday of every month on site in our conference room. The purpose of the support group is to provide an opportunity for people living with bipolar disorder to connect with those with similar experiences. Group members gain strength and support from each other, and learn new ways of coping through sharing feelings, knowledge, information and ideas. Speakers on topics like mental health services or health and well-being are also arranged at regular intervals. There is no requirement to book, just come along and it’s free. You will be made most welcome.
For more information you can either e-mail "admin@bipolarlife.org.au" or call "0403 535 332"
Covid boosters
Covid Boosters are available at Berwick Healthcare for anyone over the age of 18.
There must be a minimum of 6 months between boosters and a previous covid infection, and no other vaccines within 2 weeks before or after a covid booster.
Please call us on tel: 0397961500 to schedule an appointment
Berwick Healthcare is a GLBTI inclusive practice and actively advocates for the healthcare needs of this diverse community. We welcome patients and families that identify with being Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex, and invite you to come and visit us at Berwick Healthcare.
Old News but Good News
Old News but Good News
The following articles feature past programs offered via Berwick Healthcare that may return in the near future.
Dr Chris Kozlovski on leave
Dr Chris Kozlovski has gone on Sabbatical Leave. We have a range of 8 doctor's at the clinic that are still available.
Please click here to view the doctor's profiles and see which doctor suits your needs best.